When it comes to ductwork, the easiest to clean for most consumers are those you can see, like wall or floor registers or the kind necessary for dryer vent cleaning. But there is different ductwork you cannot see which may be challenging to clean: Flexible Ductwork, Rigid Ductwork, and Semi-Flexib...
If you are the owner of a true Persian rug, consider yourself fortunate. Not only do you appreciate fine home furnishings, but you can afford a hand-knotted rug whose craftsmen have been honing skills passed down for more than 2500 years. All Persian rugs fall under the umbrella of “Oriental” rugs...
You bought a nice carpet you saw online. You liked the shape, the colors, and the description, but the picture was fuzzy. Did it look like it was hand-woven? And are you sure you saw knots interspersed throughout its design? Eh, does it even matter? You tell your i...
Carpet cleaning machines are available for rent just about anywhere you shop. Large and small grocers, big-box home improvement centers, hardware stores, convenience stores and, of course, national chains like Target or Walmart.
But they’re not all they’re cracked...
In most cases, the air ducts in the average house are highly reliable. But they are not maintenance-free and will sometimes become clogged or spring leaks. When that happens it can lead to all kinds of problems, and in the case of the dryer vent, it will significantly increase the risk of a house...
Most homeowners regard their clothes washer and dryer as machines that just work – until they don't. In our experience, consumers rarely perform simple, annual maintenance on their clothes dryers, especially, resulting in the need to replace expensive appliances in 10 years or less.
Most dryers...